Friday, December 18, 2009

Final Post of Everything

I started with distorting human sounds so the sounds of the plants were familiar and still foreign but I thought it was still obvious the sounds were coming from people and the short story says the plant screams were very unhuman or throatless. So after the first two sounds I went in a different direction. Also at the beginning of each sound I wanted there to be the sound of a machine tuning so I started with the sound you here without the sound machine, you hear the machine starting up, and then you're gradually eased into the sound (and at the end the machine is shut off and you hear the original sound again) But after the first two sounds I realized the rest of the plant sounds I wanted to create had no original sound so there's a brief moment of silence and just the machine tuning.

In this sound there is a plant sending away its children or its seeds so it's saying (even though I don't really want people to understand what they're saying) "have you seen him? my boy? my little one? his father took him from me." and "dig deep."

For this sound I used instrument sounds and distorted them. In this one a tuba and fog and ferry boat horns. I want this to be more tactile and vibrate. I used different notes to create that kind of sounds like voices.

I used human sound again for this but not voice sounds, sound from the body. I wanted to create a sick sounding tree that has difficulty with respiration (converting Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen).

I was wondering what plants manipulated by people would sound like. I wanted to create the sound of the grass in the Wave Field imitating the sound of the ocean. I was hoping the sound would be more mechanical and sound like many small voices working together to create the wave sound. I had difficulty with that.

I wanted all of the photos to have a surreal quality and look as if there was some movement.

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