Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Imagination is not worth anything in gold


  1. The song is compelling. I hope that you will post the lyrics so that I can be sure of all the words. I'd also like to know how you see this song interacting with lyrebird plans —did you, in writing and performing the song, become a form of lyrebird? Is the unchanging image of a winter forest a version of fortress? Would this song be played from a series of fortresses as if has become the lyrebird's song or perhaps played for some lyrebirds who learn the song and reproduce it so that the song can be re-recorded as sung by a lyrebird? I find it very interesting to think about imagination in the context of a bird notable for accurate reproduction instead of for innovation. I'd love to know what you have to say about this context of imagination and the bird, and the connection between the song and the planned fortress, your imagination on possible connections and not just my imagination. Is the gold execution of the plan? somehow execution reduces the pure electrical vibration of what idea and imagination are in the mind?

  2. Do you plan on continuing your lyrebird plan? Should I look for the fortress in the spring?
