Monday, November 30, 2009

Lyrebire Song


Shake your tail feather


Here is the source of my frustration.

I'm trying to make the sound of grass on the Wave Field attempting to sound like the ocean.
I can't make it sound like many tiny voices working together without all of the sound blurring together to make one big sound.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I am now thinking about constructing a lyre bird fortress.. Now, the reason why I choose to do so is because I needed some time to contemplate to myself how I will do things. Here's the plan:

The plan is to construct (out of wood) a lyrebird roosting site. Then, I shall embellish this site with a few pictures of a lyrebird in its native habitat. The little house or hut will have the sounds of the australian rainforest. The real (or statute) lyre bird will be sitting in its nest half-doing a display he displays to the female. I think it's about time to finalize my idea so I could get going with it.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Finally finished laying out this song, it doesn't have the electric guitar part recorded which was actually the first thing written that started this song, so I am excited to hear it now with all this new accompaniment. I have this hoping feeling that the saxophone part will become huge when i get kerry to play trombone and ian to record trumpet. I want it to be super 50's big band soundingishhh. album is coming along, i feel a little less like everything is in pieces and more like slowly moving towards cohesive songs. I guess I just am still getting used to this new process of working in sections and at first and then later editing a full length collage of the pieces into a song. its kind of this blind hope that once i am done with a couple parts that they will somehow fit nicely together...
Us-China Diplomatic relations.

On a personal, note, US-China relations have been viewed highly by many people and is (for me) personally regarded as one of the tribulation essences of who I am.

Essences of my identity:

President Hujintao and Barack Obama together forged a tie deeply rooted within the fundamental principles of the US and China both. Both of these nations consequentially want to illustrate their powerfulness by trying to explain to each other the potential consequences of a bad exchange. Now, bad on their terms means negative, or psychologically upsetting. It is up to them to illustrate how they feel for one another. Therefore, it is also a big deal for them to want to exchange dialogue over different regions of their presidencies. For instance, is the communist government very communist at all anymore? State media brings us coverage of the two presidents talking about affairs that bothers both sides, as well as what each party doesn't like about the other. Therefore, can China really be called communist? Could it be capitalist-communist underneath all the hokus-pokus proposed by the government? The hokus-pokus generated by the communist government is rather interesting. It is neither a communist party, nor a capitalist democratic establishment. Indeed, how could this be so interesting? I have stayed in China for ten years before coming to the United States. before that, I resided here. Therefore, I have met French people, met German people, Taiwanese people, Cantonese people, Italian people, Australian people, British people, Indian people, New Zealanders, Japanese people, Koreans, Polish people, Thai people, Phillipino people, etc. I feel so entrenched within this horrible mind frame that I dangerously forget all about what the issues are, essentially. In my world. The world is mightily funny. Still, to see Barack Obama- the US president - engross on an expedition of Shanghai is exciting. I like it a lot. Issues like this are stupid and irrelevant to temper tantrums. I like it, though. it's relatively objective advice. It's relatively objective advice.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

S.I. Art

sports can be art after all.,_un_portrait_du_21e_si%C3%A8cle

Monday, November 16, 2009

Golden Loom track

I started laying all the pieces for this song wednesday and havent stopped since, been on a total roll, this was by far the one of the songs i have had a hard time know where it was going to go, but really excited how all the layers have been coming together in really intricate ways and providing some easy flow and transitions.

I am excited about this growth! I realized the just plain repetition wasn't working. I needed a theme (the image from the plate) and a variation, otherwise it is a boring, boring song. after a lot of destroying of the prints i have made so far, I came up with a way to achieve this. I cut "windows" in each print to tiny paintings adhered to the back. the paintings have a common thread so it becomes apparent that they are all part of the same song.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Plants that Imitate

I'm working on what sound The Wave Field might make. I'm going for something that sounds more artificial and have the waves sound like they're tripping over one another or trying to learn how to sound like a wave.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Done on Photoshop with tablet.

I haven't shown you these things in awhile!

i have made five so far-----they will connect to form a greater pattern. rhythm !!!! tones from color. I just need some sounds.

also i have texture from "dry-dropping" a circular copper plate--to emboss the paper.

I have also thought of just photocopying the image so I can stretch it out forever, but then I will loose the color (and texture).

once I apply text, I will probably just do both.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Found sounds: interview of Derrick Scott, found on rented recorder

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Last night I worked on the layout of this new track called "Kin" We have been playing it live for about a year now, and I finally have started working on the recorded version. It may change as the drums and guitar still need to be recorded, so sections of this layout of the song maybe shortened or added onto. I am super in love with speeding up instruments, this track I sped up the ukulele part two times and it creates these beautiful ping pong poly rhythms.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

progress on sounds, things building into parts, parts building into structures, structures building into systems, systems verge on interlocking, all is good.

Images and Sound

I took some more photographs today and tried matching them with the sounds I've created.
Originally I was going to place an image of a tree with this sound but today I found these seeds...

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Lyrebirds as seen on Umich's database.

Menura Alberti Female

Menura Alberti Male

Menura Novaehollandiae Female

Menura Novaehollandiae Male

I will attempt to search the databases of the UGLI or the Graduate Library (or possibly NOAA), given that the Museum of Zoology is house of a lot of information which could be extremely useful to my research.

A Divergence

Ever wandered how Martial Arts could be of benefit to the community?

There are a myriad of Martial Arts classes and schools.

In terms of peace and harmony and/or getting along with others, things don't really make sense. But it does seem like martial artists seek greater truths in this world. :)

For artistic technical reference, I chose Christian Lassen for my possible art work and technical inspiration.