Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I hate mfile

I can not get this retarded mfile bullshit to work, I have now sufficiently spent way too long trying to get it to work. so here is a link to download it if you want...

this song was what I was working on tonight, mainly the piano part, which might not be very discernible anymore, but I have been playing with parts I record on the piano and then I speed them up half time which takes them up a hole octave and creates these really beautiful happy sounding tones. sounds like no instrument I have heard before.

Sentient Plants (and other silent lifeforms)

I'm working on sound inspired by Roald Dahl's The Sound Machine. The story is based off the belief that plants can feel and even read the minds of other living things. In this story a man creates a machine to hear sounds inaudible to the human hear. When he turns it on he discovers plants screaming out in pain. This first sound I'm working on is water and all the critters that live in the water flowing over a dam.

hopefully these machines won't break

I made the last couple hours making this, it is a switch of sorts that will work in tandem with the machines to either side of it. This is having to do with tape, and will make it so these machines don't break, hopefully.

Earth is Round

By Ling Jie


I have been trying to record my alliteration an repetition heavy language being played from a voice synthesizer and layer the sounds. But I really just like the look of these sounds I have written out phonetically to put into said synthesizer.

Then I got to thinking, if my language is literally unspeakable, it doesn't prove anything to have my voice synth speak it to me. If it is silent and written out phonetically, I am still hearing it in some manner, although it is really more of a beat. But I am likely hearing it better than a either a stammering human or computer could relay. It was too messy. I hate things when they get too messy.

So I have changed my project trajectory. I want my sound project to have NO SOUND. But I want to do everything to relay sound in a visual manner.

Since I think it is still important that the work is time based, I may work on a short animation that has subtitles in phonetic sounds. But I also thought about assembling a book, as then all the "magic" is up to the viewer. Time is still passing, they are still reading the sounds and they have to assemble the motion.

Could I make a book? I will just keep writing these sounds and drawing some pictures for now.

Monday, September 28, 2009

bogoli bogakoi eehalai

Serp pohoholai blu bulb, tertariw wen nam. Sans son nuchenedi dedi buberber oglu men nu ukochukuwo. Mera nam tera ann.

also something in english:
if alliteration is really an echo and can twist my tongue, are these families bats for eachother?

Monday, September 21, 2009

We Can Always have Links

and here they are:
2d made 3d on 2d by 3d (sam doesn't get that, he also said he doesn't like it.)
mmmmm.... yes sounds and video of all sorts, even one that most definitively could be pornographic, I won't link to it but I'll say that Lawrence made it.

a collection of more sounds, some beautiful some horrible.

my general thinking is that the process of making art needs not be routed in the generative process of ideas and then proceeding to creation and/or manipulation of actuality, but that the two can take any position within the process of art making, even not existing.


Freedom of Speech

1. Jeff Mangum talking about Walking World of Beards Inc.






7. LINK to Futility Closet Blog Entry



I debated a lot about whether or not I should transcribe what the film White Light Black Rain says these people are saying but I didn't want to speak for them. My brother is fluent in Japanese and he told me the subtitles cut out some of what the interviewees were saying.

I am getting a photo from my Ancient Languages and Scripts Professor. It's an image from a Luvian tablet depicting the King speaking.

Happy Birthday

In 1935, the Summy Company credited writers Preston Ware Orem and Mrs. R.R. Forman for writing the song “Happy Birthday” and claimed copyright to it. Later, in 1990, Warner Chappell purchased Summy and therefore the copyright to “Happy Birthday” for 15 million USD. Therefore, the song “Happy Birthday” itself became eventually valued at 5 million USD. The song went on to become the most widely recognized song written in the English language.


Since it is very obscure as to who exactly wrote the lyrics to the song “Happy Birthday”, I feel it is sort of a sabotaging done by Summy firstly.  The Summy company adopted the song without any retaliation from others and were able to take control of a casual song.  Suppose me and my friends invented a song and somehow it became popular. If a large company claimed copyright to our song and claimed that other people wrote it, who are we to have the ability to testify against them? It might be a sort of copyright infringement.


However, I guess this only applies to large companies, like Walt Disney, who make the song a part of their business venture. Otherwise, the song rings everywhere. There is hardly a person (even in other countries) that doesn’t know this song. 

Bone Fone

This invention reminds me of the bone instruments and the Song of the Spine book that we discussed on the first day of class.

Happy Birthday

The “Happy Birthday” song used to make me think of an untouched tradition. I rarely thought about the origins of “Happy Birthday”. It feels like something that has remained untouched throughout its infinite existence, with the exception of restaurants creating their own versions of “Happy Birthday”. “Happy Birthday” isn’t a song you question, until you learn about the company that makes money off this incorruptible song. One thing I found unusual in the Wikipedia article is the difference between “Happy Birthday” in Europe and the United States. The song was invented in the United States and probably even used by more people in the United States but Europe gets freedom from paying royalties much sooner than we do. The other day I was in the bathroom reading the signs posted all over the walls on how to avoid catching H1N1. There are instructions on the signs on how to wash your hands properly. The instructions suggest washing your hands for 20 seconds or the amount of time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself twice. I imagined a huge group of people in the bathroom washing their hands at the same time and singing “Happy Birthday” at the top of their lungs. With my new knowledge of the legal issues surrounding the “Happy Birthday” song I stared to wonder if it is legal for the sign to suggest people sing “Happy Birthday”. What happens when groups of people think about singing “Happy Birthday”? Is it okay to hum?

Maggie Baczewski

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I was thinking more about how (illusions) of solidity form, the collaboration involved in a multitiered --on multiple scales in multiple locations-- mutual system of perpetual tethering.  The sum of systems of mutual perceptual tethering could be a form of solidity, of continuity of existence.

ENTER RUPTED SUMS spoken (by forkergirl)

and ENTER RUPTED SUMS (song by forkergirl with Strexx Quantum Orchestra)

explore tethering as mutual systems of solidity with gaps, holes.

A rupted sum to enter visually
(a fused montage [made entirely on the iphone] by forkergirl of a component of existence tethering and re-tethering components of itself --the reaching for connections and other forms of interactions that sending out vibrations in multiple directions can suggest):

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Goldtouch: visiting vibrations of the Midas touch: a lab accident

...and could everything that touched King Midas also turn into gold?  The sound waves entering his ear and touched cilia, eardrum, all the sonic plumbing of his body?  If something touched him, was he not also touching it?  However unintentionally?  His ear as an awkward hitching post for sound indeed.


For more information about Limited Fork Theory, please visit

(By the way, Goldtouch specializes in adjustable products and solutions, ways [that are also vibrations] of enhancing and extending access; extensions, ripples that allow for more interaction and connection possibilities)